
Libero T Particella 031

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Falanghina del Sannio Taburno Vendemmia Tardiva


Vitigno/Uve: Falanghina 100% selezionate e raccolte in cassette
Impianto vigneto: Guyot
Altitudine vigneto: da 210 a 320 m s.l.m.
Terreno: argilloso con marne calcaree affioranti
Vinificazione: macerazione a freddo su bucce 8 ore, fermentazione in barrique di rovere francese
Resa per ettaro: 70 ql
Periodo di raccolta: prima decade di ottobre
Maturazione: maturazione in legno solo il 10% della partita
Affinamento: in bottiglia per 24 mesi
Colore: bianco

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Each variety of wine produced by the Rillo family is the result of hard and patient work among the generous rows of Sannita vines and the sturdy casks of french oak that have been resting for a long time in the cosy and quiet halls of the cellar. Every step along the way, from the care of the vineyard to the harvest to the bottling phase, is carried out with scrupulous attention and utmost respect for the vines, the wine and the people involved. The ultimate goal is to obtain outstanding results for every single variety, to reflect its identity and character. Each Fontanavecchia wine has its own clear personality, unveiled by scents and fragrances that render it distinct and unique. Wine, just like humans, lives, breathes, matures, and transforms itself again, once poured into the glass. That is the moment when its heart starts to move and, like an able storyteller, inebriates, warms, enchants the soul. Wine is not poetry or illusion; it is presence, the essence of the soil; wine is history, the incarnation of the experience of a people. Therefore all Fontanavecchia wines embody the purest essence and magic of the Samnium region and its inhabitants.

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